US Steel – A Political Hot Potato

July 16th, 2024|

The debate over the role of domestic steel in the US has turned highly political. We look at: Controversy over Nippon Steel’s bid to purchase US Steel Tradeviews Perspective The structure of steelmaking in the [...]

Will Agribulk Trade Mirror Food Shortages?

June 1st, 2022|

Agribulk trade in Odessa, Ukraine: Loading grain into holds of sea cargo vessel through an automatic line in seaport from silos of grain storage. Introduction The UN’s World Food Programme has warned that [...]

Grain Trade and War

March 15th, 2022|

The war has led to the closure of Ukrainian Black Sea ports. Sanctions are starting to block Russian grain trade shipments. Large war risk premiums are deterring bulk carriers from trading out of the Black [...]

  • cement trade

Understand Global Cement Trade: 101 Guide

December 9th, 2021|

Cement trade in Context Concrete is the world’s most widely used manufactured material. With 14 billion cubic meters produced in 2020, the main uses are in the construction of buildings, homes, roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, [...]

Blip, Blip, Blob – Chinese AIS Receivers Switched Off

November 26th, 2021|

  In the last few weeks, vessels have been disappearing off AIS systems around the Chinese coast. Apparently, the reason is the commencement of two new data protection laws. They are the Data Security Law [...]

Do Container Freight Rates Impact Bulker Volumes?

November 2nd, 2021|

The fluctuation of both container and bulk freights rates have led many to assume there is a large volume of bulk cargo that can transition between the two carrier types. For many analysts it’s been [...]

Multipurpose Vessel Insight – Riding High

October 18th, 2021|

The Multipurpose Vessel (MPV) fleet is often little understood and a confusing sector. Luckily we have Susan Oatway from Drewry who is an expert. She has just published their quarterly update. Susan has a distinguished [...]

Don’t Panic! – The Outlook for Energy Supply

September 30th, 2021|

We had a strange situation in the UK this week. There was a run on petrol/gasoline. Petrol stations were low on stocks due to a lorry driver shortage. Rather than people using fuel more [...]

Coal’s Last Hurrah?

September 23rd, 2021|

This year has seen a string of disasters around the globe involving wildfires, drought and flooding. These events have driven environmental concerns up the political ladder and made coal Public Enemy No. 1 for [...]

The Coup in Guinea – What does it mean for Shipping?

September 16th, 2021|

The coup in Guinea happened on the morning of September 5th, the capital, Conakry, came under fire. President Alpha Conde was overthrown by soldiers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, head of Guinea’s special [...]

Shipping Decarbonisation – Get the Basics

September 8th, 2021|

In our `Learn from the Best` series we interviewed Mark Williams from Shipping Strategy about shipping decarbonisation and the energy transition.  In our conversation, Mark talks us through technological advancements, new regulations, [...]

Come gRain or Shine – How Good is the New Grain Season?

August 20th, 2021|

Agricultural exports from the Northern Hemisphere's grain season have been facing turbulence under extreme weather conditions. We’ve researched the situation surrounding the coming grain season harvest to bring you an overall picture of the [...]

Jet Fuel Markets Amid the Pandemic

August 12th, 2021|

In a constantly moving world, global restrictions due to Covid-19 created intense pressure on the aviation industry. Undoubtedly, jet fuel trade amid the pandemic suffered significant losses. With the first half of 2021 already [...]

Coal is on Fire!

August 5th, 2021|

In the last 3 months the coal price has leaped from $90 per tonne, to nearly $150 per tonne at the end of July. This makes it one of the best performing global commodities. [...]

OPEC Decision Brings Optimism For Tankers

July 21st, 2021|

Crude oil trade was becoming uncertain amid the recent decisions of OPEC surrounding production levels. Limited supply caused prolonged high prices of oil. Although this was expected to be a transient situation, it was [...]

More Than Luck: China Challenges Steep Commodity Prices

July 1st, 2021|

There are several factors weighing in on China’s trade influence: pandemic effects, trade spats and last but not by any means least, challenges with high commodity prices. Agriculture imports keep China’s trade healthy, whereas [...]

5 Tactics for Choosing the Right Maritime Software

June 23rd, 2021|

As a maritime analyst, you want to maximize your analytical ability for your budget. Therefore, you need the best maritime software available on the market. How do you decide on your magical combination of [...]

African Trade – A Slow Burner

June 16th, 2021|

Africa exports more than it imports. Whilst African Trade is a slow burner, it's interesting to note where these commodities arrive and depart from. North Africa tends to be the major importer. Whereas South [...]

India’s Trade in the Second Wave

June 2nd, 2021|

India is the 3rd largest dry cargo importer and 2nd largest tanker importer. Based on the country’s trade performance in recent years, India is considered as one of the world’s largest emerging market economies [...]

Are You Following Commodity Prices?

May 26th, 2021|

Every once in a while, the dry bulk market seems to take off. Last time it was when China forgot to tell the world that it was reforming its economy. Now, it's because of [...]

Dry Cargo Freight Rates Mystery

May 18th, 2021|

It's fair to say that the dry bulk market has caught everybody by surprise in quarter one. For the last 10 years, quarter one freight rates have always been a disappointment with the advent [...]