
Our Core Data

We provide monthly import and export volume data from customs agencies, spanning all countries across 7 continents.

Our proprietary software seamlessly organises and transforms this data into clear, user-friendly tables and charts. You can then navigate the complexities of international trade effortlessly and with clarity.

Our Edge

Transport mode

Bulkers/tankers vessels, containers/coaster vessels, land-based

Area Segmentation

Maritime regions/ geopolitical zones/ inter-country coastlines

Distance Variables

Average miles, Tonne miles, Voyage days, Tonne days


5 year monthly forecasts for all dry bulk data by industry experts

Seasonality Analysis

Compare multi-year monthly data

Long History

Data from the year 2000.

For Analysts

Designed for maritime and industry analysts


Integrate our data into Excel or internal SQL database.

Explore Our Vessel Modules


Trade Data

Know the drivers of tanker demand with our robust wet cargo trade data. Includes data for Crude oil, Oil products, LNG, LPG, Seed oils and Chemical tankers


Trade Data

Discover the influencers of  dry cargo demand with our robust cargo trade data. Includes data for Steel, Coal, Ores, Minerals, Agriculture, Cement, Forestry, and Fertilisers.

Explore Our Industry Modules


Trade Data

Discover the heartbeat of the steel industry with our robust cargo trade data. Includes data for Hot Rolled Steel, Steel Tubes, Pig Iron, Iron Ore, Coal and many more.


Trade Data

Uncover the pulse of the forestry industry with our comprehensive cargo trade data. Includes data Pulp, Biomass, Wood Chips, Rough Wood, Sawn Wood and many more.


Trade Data

Explore the lifeblood of the agriculture industry through our detailed cargo trade data. Data includes Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Soya Bean, Sugar, Palm Oil and many more.


Trade Data

Tap into the core of the fertiliser industry with our extensive cargo trade data insights. Data includes Nitrogen Fertiliser, Urea, Phosphatic Fertilisers, Potash, Sulphur and many more.


Trade Data

Delve into the dynamics of the chemical industry with our reliable cargo trade data. Data includes Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene, Methanol, VCM, Tallow and many more.


Trade Data

Capture the essence of the energy industry by leveraging our robust cargo trade data. Data Includes Coal, Crude Oil, Fuel Oil, Biomass, LNG and many more

Explore Our Reports

Dry Bulk Market


Go beyond the numbers. This report explores the stories behind dry cargo trade, providing the context and insights you need to shape your outlook.


Forecast Outlook

Visualize dry cargo demand trends with our Industry Forecasts, presented in clear and insightful graphs.

Tradeviews in numbers

Years annual data
Years monthly data
Years monthly forecast


We continue to find Tradeviews an excellent platform

Tradeviews helps to give us an accurate perspective of global trade

Reliable data and presented well. Very professional company with a fast response. Russell and his team are great to work with.

We’ve worked with Tradeviews for over 10 years and they provide excellent service and value.

Pulp and Paper market Consultants


Steel Export Trade: 101 Guide

Steel export trade can often be in the news for the wrong reasons. Anti-dumping legislation, particularly in the US, gives the impression of a protectionist [...]

US Steel – A Political Hot Potato

The debate over the role of domestic steel in the US has turned highly political. We look at: Controversy over Nippon Steel’s bid to purchase [...]

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