What we do

Tradeviews provide precision volume and distance (Tonne Mile) data for dry and wet cargo. You will find our data is timely, reliable, accessible and insightful. By using the most accurate methodology, we clean, organise and build estimates. Then with the best bi-lateral trade flow data, you can establish TRUE CARGO DEMAND.

The Trade Analytics Platform (TAP) enables you to dive into the technical detail but also understand fundamental markets shifts. Additionally, you can sign up to our monthly and seasonal intelligence reports.

Our customers include ship owners, analysts, brokers, investors, operators, traders and commodity producers. Working alongside you, our analysts are knowledgeable trade experts, providing you with the most accurate picture of demand.

Trade Analytics Platform


  • Easy to navigate with a simply menu structure
  • Simple to understand data movement with interactive graphs
  • Effortlessly build Excel reports with data integration options
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  • Get to your metric within 3 clicks
  • Clearly designed report structure to filter through millions of rows within seconds
  • Quickly navigate from high level summary down to cargo bi-lateral trade by country


  • Be the first to understand emerging cargo growth
  • Discover when a cargo falls outside seasonal trends
  • Find the country and cargo drivers behind freight rates
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