Tanker Trade Data

Discover the heartbeat of the tanker industry with our robust cargo trade data. From raw materials to finished products, we provide a comprehensive view of tanker and related cargoes. You will have:

  • Customs data delivered on release days
  • Global coverage across all countries
  • Data split by ‘seaborne’ including (bulker and container vessel splits)
  • Expert industry forecasts
  • Web application for easy navigation
  • No long-term commitment required
  • Great for project or regular updates

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What’s in our data

Our data is sourced directly from customs data, ensuring reliability and accuracy.  Our data modelling techniques and additional data sources bridge gaps in reporting, ensuring a more comprehensive view of global trade dynamics.

Data coverage

We’ve enriched our dataset by extending coverage to countries with multiple coastlines, such as the USA, Canada and Russia. Our forecasted series have additional overlays of container and bulker estimates using vessel tracking. We also added the voyage day and distance estimates too, enriching your analysis possibilities.

Subscription options

Subscriptions include an annual or monthly payment options. The longer terms will give you more history. Five year forecasts are optional but they include additional data series like voyage days and seaborne/bulker/container breakdown.

Crude oil

Crude Oil

Oil Products

Fuel Oil, Gas Oil, Gasoline, Jet Fuel, Kerosene, Naphtha, Other Oil Products




Propane, Butane

Vegetable Oil

Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Rape Seed Oil, Soy Bean Oil

Chemical tankers

Ethylene Liquified, Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene, Caustic Soda, Methanol, Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia, VCM, Tallow, Paraxylene/Xylene, Ethylene Glycol, Styrene, Benzene, Ethanol, MTBE, Molasses, Ethylene Dichloride, Toluene, Aromatics

Tanker Subscription

Trade Data

  • 25 years data
  • Monthly, quarterly, annual series
  • Coastline, country, sub-continent, continent, maritime zone
  • 5 year forecast
  • Tonnes, tonne mile, avg miles, voyage days, vessel demand
  • Total cargo, seaborne, bulk cargo, containers

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