Agriculture Trade Data
Discover the heartbeat of the agriculture industry with our robust cargo trade data. From raw materials to finished products, we provide a comprehensive view of agriculture and related cargoes. You will have:
- Customs data delivered on release days
- Global coverage across all countries
- Data split by ‘seaborne’ including (bulker and container vessel splits)
- Expert industry forecasts
- Web application for easy navigation
- No long-term commitment required
- Great for project or regular updates
Data Forecasting
We lead the way in dry bulk trade forecasting. We are dedicated to understanding each component of trade, analysing production, consumption and stock levels for every bulk cargo across all global regions. After considering seasonal elements we provide you a clear interpretation of the future.
Data coverage
Sometimes you need detail like distiguishing countries with multiple coastlines, such as the USA, Canada and Russia. Other times you want to see segregation by transport mode including container and bulker differentiation. To measure the full transport impact we’ve included voyage day and distance estimates too, enriching your analysis possibilities.
Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Maize, Rice, Sorghum, Buckwheat
Other Agribulk
Soya Bean, Sugar, Soymeal
Oil Seeds
Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Rape Seed Oil, Soy Bean Oil